Our librarians have put together several activities, for a variety of challenges and levels. Complete an activity and you might unlock a more advanced one, and bragging rights, cool badges and maybe even a prize!

1) Storytime with Chief Daniels

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1) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Arctic Animals
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the book "The Walrus and the Caribou" by Maika Harper.

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15 Pts
1) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Red like a Firetruck
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, talk about the color red, and read the book "Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos" by Susan Middleton Elya.

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1) Storytime with Nurse Allie!
Our guest reader for Storytime today was Nurse Allie who read us "Nurse Clementine" by Simon James! 

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1) Storytime with Officer Lopez- De Colores
Our special guest speaker this week, Officer Lopez, read up "De Colores" (pictures by David Diaz) in both Spanish and English! 

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1) Storytime with Police Chaplain John- Butterflies! Part 1

Today we learned all about Butterflies with guest speaker Police Chaplain John! We read "Waiting for Wings" by Lois Ehlert", sang a song about butterflies, and read "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" By Eric Carle. 

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1) Storytime- Earth day!
This week we read "CARL and the meaning of life" by Deborah Freedman in honor of Earth day! We learned about how important earth worms are to soil and how they help plants grow! 

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1) Storytime- Fun with Animal Friends!
Practice your quiet voice as we read "Don't Wake the Tiger!" by Britta Teckentrup and sing "Old McDonald had a Farm", starring puppets of animals from the book! Storytime ends with making sure Pigeon gets a good nights sleep in "Don't let the Pigeon Stay up Late!" by Mo Willems!

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1) Storytime- Marie Curie!

In honor of Women's History Month, we read about Marie Curie today and learned about her legacy as one of the first great female scientists! 

Please forgive our technical difficulties, the first minute or so of Storytime was cut off the recording. My apologies! 

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1)Storytime with Katie- Little Bird!
Our Storytime today is all about birds! We join a little bird on his hunt to find who he is in "The Lost Little Bird" by David McPhail, sing about 5 little ducklings, and read about a mother and her little ducklings in "All My Little Ducklings" Monica Wellington. 

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1)Storytime with Police Chaplain John- Butterflies! Part 2

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1)Storytime with Post Office Don!
This week we had special guest Don from the Post Office, read us Mell Fell by Corey R. Tabor!

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20 Pts
10) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Play Music like an Artist
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the book "Farmer Joe and the Music Show" by Tony Mitton.

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2) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Babies!
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the book "Shhh! The Baby's Asleep" by JaNay Brown-Wood.

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15 Pts
2) Storytime with Miss Shelley--Orange like a ... sweet potato?
Join Librarian Hilary and Miss Shelley from the preschool as we count, sing, and read the book "Sweet Potato Pie" by Anne Rockwell.

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15 Pts
3) Storytime with Chief Daniel--Yellow like the Sun
Join Librarian Hilary and Chief Daniel we count, sing, and read the book "Sunflower Lion" by Kevin Henkes.

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3) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Blankies and Sweaters
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the book "Unraveled!" by Leanne Hatch.

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4) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Friends
Join Librarians Hilary and Katie as we count, sing, and read the books "Little Bitty Friends" by Elizabeth McPike and "Goodbye, Friend! Hello, Friend!" by Cori Doerrfeld

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15 Pts
4) Storytime with Volunteer Lisa--Green like the Grass
Join Librarian Hilary and Library Volunteer Lisa as we count, sing, and read the books "Green" by Laura Vaccaro Seeger and "Hello, Puppy" illustrated by Anna Jones.

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20 Pts
5) Storytime with Chief Daniel--Blue like a Police Officer
Join Librarian Hilary and Chief Daniel as we count, sing, and read the book "Police Officers on Patrol" by Kersten Hamilton.

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5) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Snow Day
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the books "Snow" by Uri Shulevitz and "Winter is Here" by Kevin Henkes.

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20 Pts
6) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Purple, like my socks!
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, talk about the color purple, and read the book "Sally and the Purple Socks" by Lisze Bechtold.

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20 Pts
7) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Rainbows
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, and read the books "Rainbow" by Marion Dane Bauer and "A Surprise for Tiny Mouse" by Petr Horacek.

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20 Pts
8) Storytime with Librarian Hilary--Color like an Artist
Join Librarian Hilary as we count, sing, talk about art, and read the books "Mr. Panda's Painting" by Anne Rockwell and "The Artist Who Painted a Blue Horse" by Eric Carle.

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20 Pts
9) Storytime with Chief Daniel--Create like an Artist
Join Librarian Hilary and Chief Daniel as we count, sing, talk about art, and read the book "The Night Gardener" by The Fan Brothers.

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20 Pts
A Colorful Hunt

“I never met a color I didn’t like.” – Dale Chihuly
Color is everywhere! Can you guess the color for each of these riddles?

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Activity: 100 Things To Do Before Kindergarten

Fun things to do with your child before they enter kindergarten!

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Activity: Clapping Out Syllables

It is important that children are always expanding their vocabulary, and this means they will need to start hearing and using longer words. 

When practicing multisyllabic words, it is helpful to clap to each syllable! This helps children focus on and recognize the individual sounds that make up a word.

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Activity: What are you wearing?

This rhyme is fun because it is interactive! It requires kids to notice what they are wearing and respond to the instructions of the rhyme. You can also adapt it to what your children are wearing and turn it into a game with different actions required.

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Alphabet Walk

Go for a walk and look for letters of the alphabet all around you! For example, two branches on the ground might form the letter T. The goal is to find the letters without having to move items around to create the letter. Mark off each letter as you find it!

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20 Pts
Be an Inventor--Ziplines and Pulleys

Your challenge is to create a device to transport some goods—move things from one place to another. How can you do this? Start by brainstorming, thinking about different ways you might be able to use these items. Take a look at the hints for ziplines and pulley systems if you need some ideas.

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Camping Trip
We are going on a camping trip, but first we need to pack! Below are the definitions for 18 items you should bring camping. Enter a correct answer for each one to complete.

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20 Pts
Colorful Book
Read a book with a color in the title! Ask a librarian if you need help finding one.

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20 Pts
Create a Story
Write and illustrate your own story. It can be about anything in the world, or the universe!

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Dancing Oil & Oil Cleanup
How can you make some oil dance in blobs?

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20 Pts
Disappearing Dot
How can you make a blue dot disappear? Trick your eyes with this experiment!

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20 Pts
Dissolving Candies & Floating M's
When you eat candy, you might notice that it dissolves (or melts away) in your mouth. But does that happen with everything?

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20 Pts
Make a drum--a type of percussion instrument!

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Find Bruce

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20 Pts
Friction Racing

Goal: Create two ramps, one that lets your car speed on quickly and travel far, and one that slows your car down! 

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Hole in Your Hand
Can you see through your hand? Try this trick to find out.

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20 Pts
I Spy Autumn

This year, the autumnal equinox is Wednesday, September 22. But what is the autumnal equinox? This is when our sun shines directly on the Equator. Because of this, day and night are about the same length of time. Day will be about 12 hours long and night will be about 12 hours long. After the autumnal equinox, our days will be getting shorter and our nights will be getting longer. It will also be getting cooler. And it will start to look and feel like fall! This is why the autumnal equinox is considered the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, where we live.

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20 Pts
I Spy Rainbow Walk

Find each of the following colors on a walk around your neighborhood. What kind of interesting things do you see? Mark each color off as you find them, don't forget to look high and low!

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20 Pts
Library Events
Come to one of the library's programs or events!

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20 Pts
Library Events
Take your child to a library storytime or event!

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Little Explorers

Get your little ones to expand their horizons. This can be accomplished by trying something new or seeing things in a different light. Teach your little ones that you don’t have to travel far to explore new things—wonderment can be found everywhere!

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Marble Run

Gravity is what we call the natural force that causes things to move towards each other. It’s the force that causes things to fall towards the Earth.

Of course you’ve already seen gravity in action. When you throw a ball, it eventually falls to the ground. When you jump in the air, you don’t float around, you fall to the ground, too! Now you get to make your own device to demonstrate gravity: a marble run.

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20 Pts
Mini Hovercraft
Use the power of air to create a hovercraft!

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20 Pts
New Picture Book
Read a new picture book. You can ask a librarian for help finding one!

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Ocean Expert
How much do you really know about the ocean? Here is your chance to test your knowledge with our ocean trivia quiz!

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20 Pts
Optical Illusions

Check out these sites to see some cool optical illusions!



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Paper Plate Marble Maze

A maze is a type of puzzle. Mazes are made up of a system of paths. They can be on paper, or they can be big enough to walk through.

Try making your own!

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20 Pts
Play is an essential part of learning and growing!

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20 Pts
Rainbows & Color

Sunlight is white light, which is a mix of all colors of light. So how do we see color, and what are rainbows? Objects reflect light in different ways. Objects that look white don’t absorb any light. All of the light is reflected, so we see white. Objects that look blue absorb all colors of light except blue light. The blue light is reflected, and that’s what we see. But when white light goes through raindrops or water in the air, the raindrops bend the light, separating the colors out so we can see the individual colors of light: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet = a rainbow!

Embedded Image Removed>Sunlight is white light, which is a mix of all colors of light. So how do we see color, and what are rainbows? Objects reflect light in different ways. Objects that look white don’t absorb any light. All of the light is reflected, so we see white. Objects that look blue absorb all colors of light except blue light. The blue light is reflected, and that’s what we see. But when white light goes through raindrops or water in the air, the raindrops bend the light, separating the colors out so we can see the individual colors of light: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet = a rainbow!

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40 Pts
Try these activities with your young one to help them develop essential literacy skills for future reading.

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Reading Around

Books can take you around the world and back, even if you're only in your backyard! Show us all the fun and exciting places you read by marking each place you read. Get out and read!

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Reading Beyond

Go beyond just reading this summer! Mix up how or where you read, or maybe what you do after reading a book.

Challenge yourself to complete at least five tasks from the list below. How many can you complete?

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20 Pts
ROY G BIV Poem Stack
Artists know that ROY G BIV stands for the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Search your book shelves, a friends, family members, or the library's book shelves to find a book in each color of the rainbow. Then stack the books in ROY G BIV order to see what book spine poem is formed. Share what each book spine says and your poem below! For extra fun, take a picture of your ROY G BIV poem stack!

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20 Pts
Rubber Pencil
How can you turn a wooden pencil into rubber?

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Scavenger Hunt
Time for some outdoor fun! Walk around your city or town and see what you can find for each letter of the alphabet. Bring a camera or list and pencil to keep track of the items you find. We've included some examples, but what else can you find? Good luck!

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20 Pts
Make some musical shakers with things around your house.

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40 Pts
Music and song helps build your child's vocabulary and increase their awareness of syllables and letter sounds.

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Snow Day!

No snow? No problem! Have a “snowball” fight with this mini launcher and color some snowy scenes! 

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20 Pts
Spinning Colors
Make a spinning wheel to see how colors blur together and make something new.

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Storytime at the Fire Station!
Join Librarian Hilary and Fire Fighter John as we count, sing, and learn about fire safety with the book "No Dragons for Tea" by Jean Pendziwol, then take a brief tour of the fire station!

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Storytime Rhyme: I once had a blanket
This is a fun one for practicing colors. You can use any pieces of fabric as props--scarves, towels, napkins, and, of course, blankets!

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Storytime Rhyme: Pat-a-Cake
This classic rhyme is always fun to do!

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Storytime Song: Do you know the muffin man?
This is an easily adaptable song--use it to sing about favorite foods (such as "pizza man" or "milk woman"), or let kids make up their own silly rhymes!

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Storytime Song: Hokey Pokey
For our Zoom storytime, we did an upper body Hokey Pokey! If you're ever sitting down but need to get the wiggles out, you can do this hokey pokey. It's also a great way to practice naming body parts and the concept of "right" and "left."

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Storytime Song: Skidamarink

Skidamarink is a classic kids song all about love! Here are the lyrics. Not sure about hand motions or tune? Check out this family friendly video on YouTube https://youtu.be/gZpDqvXiuyU?t=53  

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Storytime Song: The More We Get Together
Here is a fun song to sing together!

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Storytime with Chief Daniels!
This week we had Chief Daniels as our guest reader! He read us "Sneezy Louise" by Irene Breznak and we made models of virus's using play-doh!

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Storytime with Librarian Katie- Track that Scat!
This week is all about tracks and scat! Librarian Katie read us "Track that Scat!" by Lisa Morlock and we learned all about tracks and scat by looking at many other wonderful books as well as fun hands on activities! 

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Storytime with Officer Lopez!

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Storytime- Colors with Katie!

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Storytime- Colors with Katie!

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Storytime- In My Dreams
This week we read "In My Dreams" by Stef Gemmill and Tanja Stephani and enjoyed the beautiful pictures and story!  

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Storytime- Red Trucks!
Join us in reading about red trucks, singing fun songs and making a red truck craft!

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Storytime- Spring is here!

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Storytime- What is an Architect?
Today we learned what an Architect is, by reading "Iggy Peck, Architect" by Andrea Beaty and then sang "London Bridge is Falling Down"! 

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1000 Pts
Summer Reading Bingo
Complete any five of these activities to complete a BINGO and be entered to win a grand prize!

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1000 Pts
Summer Reading Bingo
Complete any five of these activities to complete a BINGO and be entered to win a grand prize!

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40 Pts
Talking has the biggest impact on vocabulary development. A bigger vocabulary for talkers means an easier time learning to read!

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20 Pts
Taste the Rainbow
Color is all around us, including the food we eat! While there are many foods similar in color, you will be surprised how many different colors food is. Can you think of a food for each of the below colors? Type the name of at least 1 food for each color listed below.

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The Five Practices Outside
There are five simple, powerful, and fun practices that parents/caregivers are encouraged to incorporate into their everyday lives that can help establish a strong foundation for early literacy. Those practices are: Reading, Writing, Talking, Singing, and Playing. Try to incorporate the outdoors in each practice and have fun! 

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20 Pts
Toothpick Star
How can cracked toothpicks move into place and make a star? Do this experiment to find out!

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20 Pts
We're Going on a Leaf Hunt
Leaves are starting to fall! Go on a leaf hunt and build a collection of your favorite leaves, then make some pieces of artwork to celebrate fall.

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What floats?

Why do some items sink and some float? Everything is made of molecules, tiny particles that can only be seen with a special instrument called a microscope. Density refers to how close together an object’s molecules are—items with low-density have molecules that are packed loosely together and high-density items have molecules that are packed tightly together. The denser an object is, the more likely it will sink. If you have two items of the same size but one is heavier than the other, the heavier one is probably more dense!

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40 Pts
Try these activities to help your young one develop pre-writing skills.

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20 Pts
Turkey Call in a Cup
How can you turn a paper cup into a gobbling turkey? Try this project and find out!

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