Reading Lists
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All About Me Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our January 7th storytime theme of All About Me. This list includes informative books and story books all about ourselves--our bodies, health, and wellness!

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April Suggested Reading--Earth Day

Check out these books to learn more about our environment & find other fun projects!

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April Suggested Reading--Poetry

Check out these poetry books for inspiration and fun!

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Bathtime Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our February 4th storytime theme of Bubbles and Bathtime! This list includes picture books and beginning reader books.

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Books to Celebrate Earth Day & Arbor Day

Check out some of these books to share the wonders of our world with your young ones. Books on this list include picture books, board books, beginning reader books, ...
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Chicks and Chickens Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our storytime theme of Chicks and Chickens! This list includes picture books, beginning reader books, books in Spanish, and informational books!

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Climate Disasters

These environmental, dystopian, and survival books give an inside look at a futuristic world.

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Color Outside the Lines

The world is full of different types of books, many might surprise you. Take a chance on a new book that is outside your box and color outside the lines!

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Color the Day

Brighten the day with these vibrant books about color. Teach little ones all about colors and the world through these colorful books!

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Cookies & Baking Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our December 17th storytime theme of Cookies and Baking. This list includes picture books, books in Spanish, beginning reader books, and even kids' cookbooks!

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Cuddle Up Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our January 28th storytime theme of Blankets and Stuffed Animals! This list includes board books, picture books, and books in Spanish.

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Dance and Move Storytime

Here is a list of books and CDs related to our storytime theme of Dance and Move! This list includes board books, picture books, beginning reader books, books i ...
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December Suggested Reading--Numbers and Math

Check out these books for a fun read!

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December Suggested Reading--Snow Day!

Check out these books and hope for a snow day!

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Diverse Reads

Books offer us a perspective and experience that we may otherwise never know, and that glimpse into someone else’s story can be integral in creating open and ac ...
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Earth Protectors

Teach your littles ones about animals, nature, and the balance of mother earth.

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February Suggested Reading--Codes and Ciphers

Check out these books to read books that feature codes and ciphers!

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February Suggested Reading--Shapes and Bubbles

Check out these books to read more about shapes and bubbles!

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February Suggested Reading--Speed and Motion

Check out these books that feature force, speed, and motion.

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February Suggested Reading--Water

Check out these books that feature water in our world.

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Great Outdoors

Overflowing with adventure and the beauty of the natural world, these stories are sure to encourage your little readers to get outside and explore!

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Hibernation Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our December 3rd storytime theme of Hibernation. Included are some board books, picture books, books in Spanish, and nonfiction books!

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Hopeful Change

Inspire hope for a better future with these books about the environment, climate, and life-cycles of the world. 

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January Suggested Reading--Illusions and Sight

Check out these books to learn more about illusions, the science of sight and perception, and the way our eyes and brain work together.

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January Suggested Reading--Lunar New Year / Year o

Check out these books to read more about the Lunar New Year!

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June Suggested Reading--Rainbows & Color

Check out these books to learn more about the science of rainbows and color! 

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Love and Hearts Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our storytime theme of Hearts and Love! This list includes board books, picture books, and books for beginning readers.

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Making Tracks

Books are a great way to bridge the gap of imagination and exploring. Get kids outside to explore nature with this list of books about animal tracks and signs!

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March Suggested Reading--Comics and Drawing

Check out these books that can help you practice drawing and creating comics. If you need some more drawing ideas, why don’t you try reading a comic book or gra ...
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March Suggested Reading--Mazes

Check out these books that feature mazes!

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March Suggested Reading--Music

Check out these books to learn more about the science and history of music, and find other ways to make instruments at home!

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May Suggested Reading--Gravity

Check out these books to learn more about gravity & what life would be like without it.

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Mice Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our December 10th storytime theme of Mice. This list includes board books, picture books, and books in Spanish, all featuring mice!

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Mittens Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our January 14th storytime theme of Mittens. This list includes board books, picture books, and books in Spanish.

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Monkeys Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our storytime theme of Monkeys! This list includes board books, beginning reader books, informational books, picture books, and Spanish books!

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November Suggested Reading--Inventions

Check out these books to read more about inventions!

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November Suggested Reading--Leaves

Check out these books to enjoy our autumn leaves!

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October Suggested Reading -- Out in Space

Check out these books to have an outer space adventure!

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Outdoor Survival

YA survival stories show the strength and resilience of the human spirit. These books center on teen characters who rise above their challenges, adapt to their envir ...
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Penguins Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our January 21st storytime theme of Penguins! This list includes board books, picture books, informative books, and books in Spanish.

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Restoring Home

Take a look at the possible consequences for the planet and all of humanity with these captivating reads.

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September Suggested Reading--Autumn and Nature

Check out these books to appreciate the changing seasons and the nature around us!

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Sheep Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our storytime theme of Sheep! This list includes board books, beginning reader books, books with Spanish, picture books, and informational books!

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Snakes and Other Creatures Storytime

Here is a list of books related to our storytime theme of Snakes and Other Creatures! This list includes board books, beginning reader books, picture books, inf ...
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Wilderness Thrillers

In the world of thriller books, “don’t go into the woods” is an adage as old as time. Whether you’re into mystery books that will terrify you or mystery books full o ...
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Your Stories

We all want to see ourselves in a book, and for many of us, the search for a book that feels as though it was written for us, about us, seems fruitless. With heroes ...
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